
How to use this website

For easier accessibility you can change the font size and choose the colour of text and backgrounds by using the buttons on the top banner of this site. Just click on the button of your preferred choice.

We are committed to providing an accessible website

Our website conforms to Web Accessibility Guidelines, version 2.0:

Format and Layout

In terms of formatting and layout of this site, we have tried to meet all vision impairment accessibility needs and requirements, so that anyone using either screen magnification or speech software should be able navigate and use our site without any problems.  This site has been developed using XHTML and CSS which allows visually impaired users to navigate and experience the site content without restrictions by its layout.

If you need to increase or decrease the size of the text appearing on screen you can use the icons at the top right of the site.

If you need to change the contrast of the site you can use the Icons at the top right of the screen.


If you are having difficulties using the site please contact us and we will be happy to help you